Several approaches and techniques can explain the role of multiple compounds on plant physiology.

n collaboration with several scientific partners, Landlab studies the way specific elicitors act. The most advanced methods rely on metabolomic and genetic analysis.

Metabolomic approach: to identify a compound or a mixture of molecules and characterize it. Shift in the secondary metabolism can also be studied in plants subjected to stress or elicitors.

Genetic approach: gene expression can be studied and monitored by means of an open-array system (a multiple RT-PCR) specifically customised for  the crop of interest.

– Real Time PCR: semi-quantitative PCR & next step? Digital PCR ? – Whith the Real Time PCR: quantification of the expression specific transcripts related to the primary or secondary metabolism.


Spectrophotometer is used in order to quantify metabolites (e.g chlorophyll, MDA, pigments and several others) which can contribute to the understanding of the mode of action of the PBS.