Our story began in 1983, when Adriano planted the first seeds of Landlab.
Since then, that small seed has flourished, and today the Landlab team continues to grow—much like our beautiful lime tree.
Guided by our motto, our team has become increasingly united and cohesive over the years.
Landlab becomes Società Benefit (Benefit Corporation) in 2021
In 2015 Italy introduced into its legislation the figure of the Benefit Company through the paragraphs 376-384 of art. 1 of the budget law, n. 208/2015.
The intention of the legislator was to give a form and recognition to all those companies that together with monetary and financial profits commit to generating wealth on other levels, not estimated by economic standards, but equally important to feed that paradigm’s shift towards which we are committed to tend, from merely “extractive” production to “regenerative” production of wealth and biodiversity.
At the end of 2020, Landlab’s members decided to continue the reflection on ethics and to reach a higher level of formalization, the highest in Italy, by transforming the company into Società Benefit (SB).
This journey has also been implemented in a most horizontally way as possible, opening up to staff who wished to participate. A new path was born, which lasted about a year and has led us to the drafting of the new corporate purpose and the transformation into SB, which formally occurred in November 2021.
Our core Values
Landlab is based on research, scientific quality, upgrading, methodology and technique innovation, organization and precision.
Here ebery individual is barer of knowhow, values and expertise. We require commitment, sharing, liability.
Landlab believes in sincere relationships, trasparency and legality. It’s open to different cultures, opinions and backgrounds.
As Benefit Corp

In particular, Landlab SB has included in its corporate object five specific common-benefit purposes. The company intends to pursue them carrying on its business activity through the performance of actions whose objective is to generate a measurable positive impact on society and the environment, as well as creating the conditions for maintenance of satisfactory economic results.
Specifically, we have included the following common-benefit purposes in our corporate purpose:
· Implementation of sustainable agriculture.
· Recognition of the value of every person as such.
· The promotion of exchange and relationship with different stakeholders.
· Financial, economic and administrative management based on principles of sustainability, accountability, transparency, accuracy and prudence.
· Improvement and implementation of the quality of scientific communication within the corporate roles and of scientific-informative communication outside the company.