Phenospex PlantEye F500, the first 3D images.

As we have announced few months ago, soon we will set up – in a dedicated greenhouse based on the Landlab grounds – the brand new phenotyping system “PlantEye F500” which was made by the Phenospex, a Dutch company leader in the planning of advanced crop’s analysis and monitoring technological media.

Having said this, we are proud to offer to you a sneak-peak of the first 3D images taken with Phenospex PlantEye depicting – in the order – the RGB, NIR and the NDVI of a beetroot and of a tomato plant. The new phenotyping system assesses – in a non-destructive way and during the entire development period – the growth and health of the crops (biomass, plant’s dimensions, foliar apparatus etc.). Thanks to its multi-spectrum laser and in order to provide detailed real time information on their performance, it is able to scan a great number of plants (up to 2000) inside the greenhouse, in every environmental condition and treated with different products.

Through the use of this new technological media, our company takes an important step forward in our research capability, in terms of quality and quantity of provided information. In fact, we will be the first company in Italy to use this technology in order to offer to our clients a more and more accurate and efficient service. 

Tomato multi spectrum

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