LANDLAB is part of IBMA Italia!

We are thrilled to announce to you all that Landlab is now part of IBMA Italia! 🎉

We are member of IBMA Global, now we have joined the IBMA Italia branch as well. 🙌
IBMA Global is an association formed by over 450 companies worldwide operating in the bio-protection industry in organic and integrated agriculture. 👩‍🔬 🌾

We joined this association to strengthen our commitment to the use of cutting-edge technologies and tools for biocontrol of pests and diseases in agriculture. Therefore, to promote a sustainable use of technical bio-products which are safe for the farmers, the environment, and people’s health. Landlab has always been sensitive to these issues: our research centre is strongly active in this area through its own research. 👨‍💻 🌱

We Grow If Everything Grows!



Landlab è alla ricerca di 2 risorse da inserire nel proprio team: Scopri nei file allegati i dettagli in merito ai profili che stiamo ricercando:

Happy holidays to everyone!

As we approach the end of 2024, we recently took the chance to come together and share a festive moment brimming with warmth, laughter, and


A network of companies specializing in biotechnology, with a strong focus on technological innovation and environmental balance, united by a common goal: to provide the